Order Validations
Please note our guest lot machines will only accept one validation per transaction. Please order accordingly.
For all event/validation requests for parking on campus, see the validation rate structure listed below for reference.
Please include the following information in the message box and a customer service representative will follow up with you via phone or email to confirm your order and further instructions.
Requester Name:
Event Date:
Event Time:
Pay Lot:
Validation Type:
# of Validations:
Validation Rate:
Delivery or Pick Up:
General Purpose Validations
- The cost of these validations will be cost that the guest would pay if using the hourly parking rate at the time of validation purchase.
- For example, if you purchased a validation today for 2 hours, it would cost you $4
- These validations will be billed to the requester and must be paid for online prior to pick-up/delivery.
- These validations will be sold in the following increments:
o 1 hour - $2
o 2 hours - $4
o 3 hours - $6
o 4 hours - $8
o 5 hours - $10
o 6 hours - $12
o 7 hours - $14
o Full day (at the price of 8 hours) - $16
- No minimum purchase
- These will be valid for one fiscal year (July 1st, 2024 through June 30th, 2025)
Internal Events (organized by EMU)
- 20 validation minimum per day
- $7.50/day
- Valid for 24 hours
- Must be paid for using a departmental P-card.
External Events (not organized by EMU)
- 20 validation minimum per day
- $8.75/day
- Valid for 24 hours
- These validations will be billed to the requester and must be paid for online prior to pick-up/delivery.
All deliveries require two (2) business days advance notice and all pick-up orders require a one (1) business day advanced notice.
**Please note, the following fees will be applied to all orders requesting validations with less than one (1) business day notice:
25 validations or less
$25 flat fee
26 validations or more
$1 per validation (no flat fee)
Expedited orders are eligible for office pick-up only.
There are no refunds or exchanges for purchased validations